Welcome to Scully Learning Center Foundation

About Us

Welcome to the Scully Learning Center Foundation, a dedicated nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization supported by Carefree Kiwanis. Since 2010, we’ve been enriching the lives of developmentally disabled adults in Cave Creek, Carefree, North Scottsdale, and surrounding areas. Our center is a close-knit community where individuals with disabilities discover purpose thrive and lead fulfilling lives.

Who We Serve

We proudly serve adults with developmental and physical disabilities such as Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, and Intellectual Delays. Our commitment to lifelong support has seen members stay with us since our inception, forming a true family unit.

Our Mission

Scully Learning Center Foundation provides enriching activities for adults with developmental disabilities, allowing them to safely explore and enjoy their community. Recognizing a crucial need among our members who live with aging parents, we are expanding our mission: creating a unique residential center for adults with developmental and physical disabilities. This center, “Preserving Families Home,” will offer a nurturing environment that feels like home. Siblings can stay together, and family members can live on-site during the transition. Scully Learning Center Foundation is poised to fill a crucial gap in services, enhancing the quality of life for our members and strengthening our leadership in the field of developmental disability support.

Achieving Our Vision

To achieve our vision, we will engage in fundraising efforts, seek grants and sponsorships, and collaborate with community partners who share our mission. We will leverage our existing network and reputation to raise awareness about the need for specialized residential facilities. The successful implementation of this initiative will not only provide a much-needed service but also strengthen the Scully Learning Center Foundation’s position as a leader in developmental disability support. We are excited about this new chapter in our foundation’s legacy.

scully open house event

Our Commitment

Scully Learning Center Foundation aims to establish a distinctive residential center for adults with developmental and physical disabilities. By creating a nurturing environment that replicates the sense of family and familiarity, we ensure a high quality of life for our members as they transition from lifelong homes to a comfortable, supportive residential setting. With our experience, dedication, and community support, we are confident in our ability to bring this vision to fruition and make a lasting difference.

girl on the bus

Get Involved

Scully Learning Center relies on community support to deliver fun, educational activities to developmentally disabled adults in the Valley.

Donate to Scully Learning Foundation

Your tax-deductible contribution provides a wide range of member enrichment activities and helps us turn our dream of Scully Residential Center into reality.


Whether you direct an event or escort a field trip, there are plenty of ways to share your time and talents through rewarding volunteer opportunities.

What is Scully Learning Center Up To?

Fun Events!

scully fun events

Learn about upcoming participant events and fundraisers!

Our Blog

scully fun events

Read inspiring stories about our participants and volunteers.

In The News

scully on the news

Mentions in the media Scully Learning Center has received.


Carefree Kiwanis

Carefree Kiwanis has supported our community outreach efforts since 2013, including funding enrichment activities and rallying others to our cause.

We proudly partner with Kiwanis, an international nonprofit with more than 700 global clubs and a mission to “serve the children of the world.” Hosting nearly 150,000 service projects each year, Kiwanis empowers members to pursue creative ways to fight hunger, improve literacy and offer guidance. Since 2013, support from the local Carefree Kiwanis club has been monumental in helping us carry out our mission.

Scully Learning Center partners with the Carefree Kiwanis — Aktion Club. The mission of Aktion Club is to provide adults with disabilities who have aged out of the public school system an opportunity to develop initiative, build leadership skills and serve their community. Scully provides enrichment activities, and Kiwanis Aktion Club provides service opportunities. Qualifying Scully team members can become Aktion Club members, too.

Follow us on Facebook & Instagram!

Have you RSVP'd to visit the Valley Youth Theater to see “A Winnie the Pooh Christmas” on Saturday, December 7th? We are all looking forward to this holiday fun!!

#cavecreek #cavecreekaz #carefreeaz #cavecreekarizona #scottsdale #scottsdalearizona #scottsdaleaz #localaz #azlocal #keepitcarefree #donations #buildourdream #downsyndrome #autism #cerebalpalsy
We would love for you to join us this Friday at 6 pm for Christmas cocktails at our 4th Annual Fill the Sleigh Toy Drive Party!!! Text 602-909-7539 to RSVP and receive the address to the location.  We are proud to support the Homeless Engagement Lift Partnership this year and collect toys for children facing homelessness.  You can find out more about H.E.L.P by visiting https://helpingthehomelessnow.org/

#cavecreek #cavecreekaz #carefreeaz #cavecreekarizona #scottsdale #scottsdalearizona #scottsdaleaz #localaz #azlocal #keepitcarefree #donations #buildourdream #downsyndrome #autism #cerebalpalsy #homeless #homelesslivesmatter #homelessoutreach
A few Aktion Club and Scully Learning Center participants are having a fun and festive day handing out popcorn and water at Kiwanis Christmas in Carefree today!! We are here until 4pm. We hope you stop by and say Hi!! 

#cavecreek #cavecreekaz #carefreeaz#cavecreekarizona #scottsdale #scottsdalearizona#scottsdaleaz #localaz #azlocal #keepitcarefree#donations #buildourdream #downsyndrome #autism#cerebalpalsy
Will you be a hero? By purchasing “Heroes From Above,” you are contributing to Scully Learning Center’s initiative, Preserving Families Home, helping to end homelessness for intellectually and developmentally disabled adults at an incredibly low cost of less than $1. Visit https://scullylearningcenter.com/  Thank you!
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Community Partners

Our Featured Community Partner

Every month we highlight a business that supports us
AND the community!

This month we have partnered with our friends at Stumblina’s Cantina!

Stumblina's Cantina